Frequently Asked Questions
- What is an 'open' school?
- What is an 'open enrollment' school?
- What is a 'magnet' school?
- How do I enroll my child in Washington Open?
- Do I need to be part of the Santa Clara Unified School District to enroll?
- Are there other open enrollment elementary schools?
- How do families participate at Washington Open?
- How are the parent participation guidelines organized?
- How is my participation scheduled?
- What if I want to participate, but I'm not sure I can teach?
- What if I'm not confident working with groups of children?
- What if I want to participate, but work full-time?
- What about Washington Open's field trip program?
- What is the parent's role in field trips?
- How do you pay for field trips?
- What are the fundraising activities at Washington Open?
- What is the Washington Open Auction?
- Why do we have an auction?